Curtains, bed linens and other such products tend to lose their sheen when they are dry cleaned. However, the same is not the case with our dry cleaning services as we have advanced equipment that we used for dry cleaning different items.

Planning for a tour to a snowy area to enjoy the enthralling experience of skiing? The first thing you need to do is to check whether your ski wear is in a perfect state or not. If not, contact WhiteSwan at your earliest.

It is important to keep rugs and carpets properly cleaned not only because they affect the home décor but due to their impact on the health of inmates as well. Uncleaned rugs and carpets become home to germs and other pollutants that pose adverse

Ugg boots exude style, grace, and class. However, their style and grace can greatly be affected if they have become damaged or uncleaned. For their cleaning and repairing, WhiteSwan is at your service.

Window coverings i.e. curtains make for a vital part of a home décor. No matter how expensive, pretty-looking the curtains are, stains or dirt spots on them can deteriorate their look and adversely affect the overall décor of your home.

It is a known fact that dresses and accessories made from suede and leather fur are hard to clean. They require certain expertise and care when cleaning and there can be no better option for you than WhiteSwan for professional cleaning of your leather products.

A wedding dress, undoubtedly, is one of the most cherished wearables for a woman. It reminds them of their special day and the even more special memories associated with it. Wedding dresses are generally delicate and sometimes fancy as well.

We follow a proper cleaning method with the use of quality products that do not contain any toxins or other elements that can harm your couture gown. Our experts gently clean them so that their original sheen could be maintained while all the stains are removed thoroughly.

We also offer reliable alteration services with accurate measurements. If you have shed those extra kilos and want your loose dresses to fit you seamlessly, contact us for our alteration services and wear your favourite dresses with panache.

Many people dread the idea of doing laundry. Due to their busy schedules, they don’t have much time to regularly wash their clothes and they are left with no other option but to do the needful on their off days instead of spending them in a relaxing manner.